Bad Cuts
Rain Rot

web site desigined by:
kim croft web design

copyright: Kim Croft 2000; 2006

AQHA; NFQHA, Three Bars; Joe Hancock; Blackburn; Pretty Buck; Seminole Charley, Damron One, Ed Echols, Eddie 40; Joe Cody, Bill Cody, Wimpy, King, Hollywood Bill, Hollywood Gold, Doc Bar, Genuine Doc, Doc Tari, Go Dick Go, Rocket Wrangler, A Sharp Music Note, Gold Chunk IMHR miniature horse,

Rain Rot

"Rain Rot" refers to a skin condition that mostly occurs in damp, wet and/or humid conditions. It is usually limited to the back and upper rump areas of the horse. It first appears as a very fine dust in the hair coat. When the horse owner brushes his horse it seems as if this dust can't be brushed out. It is usually mistaken for common dirt at this point.
The next stage involves small round-ish scabs scattered across the back and rump, first only a few and later larger scabs in greater number. The fine dust still remains. If left unattended this dust and eventually the scabs will spread about half way down the sides of the horse and the rump.
After a time patches of hair will fall out ranging in size from small to large.
There are a few topical commercial remedies and injectable remedies for this affliction. Most will recommend frequent baths with iodine shampoo (which will really dry out the hair coat). All are kinda pricey.
I have two simple remedies for this condition. One was given to me by a veterinarian. Both have been used by me each year with great success. One thing to note with any remedy you use: the sooner you treat the condition the shorter the treatment period. The longer you wait the longer you will have to treat your horse to clean it up.
I will be happy to send the ingredients for both remedies and detailed instructions on their use to anyone that will send $10 and a self addressed stamped envelope to the address below. All ingredients are easy to get and simple to use. Make Checks and Money Orders payable to Kim Croft.

Be advised I am not a veterinarian and this web-site and the above remedy is no substitute for veterinarian care. This web-site copy under exclusive copyright by Kim Croft

Kim Croft
Attn: Rain Rot
P.O. Box 475
Sorrento, FL 32776

I do accept payment by credit card and check with a valid e-mail address through PayPal. Use e-mail:

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copyright: Kim Croft 2004; 2006